CUE 30th Anniversary Conference

Thanks for coming!

See you at the ESP Symposium in 2024!

Featured Speakers

  • Dr. Laurel Kamada

    Dr. Laurel Kamada

    Plenary speaker

  • Dr. Julia Kimura

    Dr. Julia Kimura

    Plenary speaker

  • Dr. Wendy Gough (CANCELLED)

    Dr. Wendy Gough (CANCELLED)

    Invited Panel speaker

  • Dr. Takaaki Hiratsuka

    Dr. Takaaki Hiratsuka

    Invited Panel speaker

  • Jennie Roloff Rothman

    Jennie Roloff Rothman

    Invited Panel speaker

  • Adrianne Verla Uchida

    Adrianne Verla Uchida

    Invited Panel speaker

  • Kie Yamamoto

    Kie Yamamoto

    Invited Panel speaker

  • Amanda Yoshida

    Amanda Yoshida

    Invited Panel speaker

JALT Associate Member ABAX ELT Publishing

Visit ABAX at the conference to see a wide variety of ELT textbooks and talk to a representative!

JALT Associate Member EdulinX

Visit EdulinX at the conference to learn more about their state-of-the-art educational technology solutions!

JALT Associate Member Tryalogue Education Co. Ltd.

Visit Tryalogue Education at the conference to see a wide variety of textbooks and graded readers!